The year 2021 was marked for the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) by the large number of regulatory legal acts developed and adopted.
A number of objective factors led to operative regulatory activity throughout 2021. Among these, the entry into force of the Protocol on the Protection of Industrial Designs to the Eurasian Patent Convention (the Protocol) and the appointment of the Eurasian Patent Office as an International Searching Authority and an International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty were undoubtedly the main factors.
In total, 27 regulatory legal acts were prepared in 2021, including: 8 regulatory legal acts for approval by the EAPO Administrative Council and 19 regulatory legal acts for approval by the President of the Eurasian Patent Office.
The following documents were prepared to implement the Protocol:
The EAPO Administrative Council approved these acts at its thirty-seventh (tenth extraordinary) meeting, on April 12, 2021, and they took effect from that date.
The Eurasian Patent Office’s main objective in the development of these acts was the creation of a regulatory framework for the legal regulation of relations involved in the regional legal protection of industrial designs on the basis of a single Eurasian patent.
In order to detail the provisions of Part II “Industrial Designs” of the Patent Regulations under the EAPC, the Eurasian Patent Office adopted 8 regulatory legal acts on the procedural issues of the legal protection of industrial designs, including:
The Eurasian Patent Office approved, by order, the Statute on the Eurasian Patent Attorneys, which takes into account the introduction of specialization in industrial designs, and the Office also approved the Procedure for Preparation and Issuance of Official Publications of the Eurasian Patent Office, the list of which includes the Industrial Designs (Eurasian Applications and Patents) Gazette.
The start of Eurasian Patent Office activities with Eurasian industrial design applications also required amendments to a number of Eurasian Patent Office regulatory legal acts on the procedural issues of the legal protection of inventions.
In addition, in 2021, the Eurasian Patent Office continued its improvement of the regulatory procedures related to the examination of Eurasian industrial design applications. In particular, the following were approved:
The 2021 approval of the Procedure for Maintaining the EAPO Pharmaceutical Register was also important for the development of the Eurasian Patent Office’s new areas of activity.