Annual Report 1999


Industrial Property is of great importance for industrial and economic development. The co-operation in the field of Industrial Property of different countries in a region is therefor to be seen as an important step in these development processes. The Eurasian Patent Organization is celebrating in October 2000 its 5th anniversary. The importance of this organization can be seen in its fast and strong growth in these last five years, although the economic situation in its member countries has been during this period sometimes not without problems. The Austrian Patent Office wants to congratulate the Eurasian Patent Organization and particularly its very successful President, Prof. Dr. Victor Blinnikov, on the occasion of this anniversary. We wish President Blinnikov and his organization all success in the future. We are convinced that the Eurasian Patent Organization will further grow and will be an important factor in the field of Industrial Property for its region and its member states.

We hope that the fruitful co-operation between the Eurasian Patent Office and the European Offices will further develop and prosper.

The question of world wide industrial protection is getting of more and more importance today. The globalization process will and is strongly taking place also in the field of Industrial Property Protection. The Austrian Patent Office therefor wishes the International Conference on "The Role of the Regional Patent Offices in the Creation of the Worldwide Industrial Property Protection" in October 2000 all success.

Dr. O. Rafeiner