MM4A Lapse of a Eurasian patent in a Contracting State due to non-payment within the time limit of renewal fees | Issue: 2021-05 Date: 2021.05.12 | Code of state, where the patent has lapsed: AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, TJ, TM
Lapse date: 2020.10.06.
TH4A Reprint of the description of invention in a Eurasian patent (list of corrections applied, B9 publication) | Issue: 2020-03 Date: 2020.03.26 | Следует читать: (57) ... 9. ... а именно UСмакс и UСмин при измерении отражения синего света, и UИКмакс и UИКмин при измерении отражения ИК излучения.