Homepage / Press-center / News / Working visit of the Japan Patent Office experts to the EAPO

From January 31 till February 1, 2013 a working visit of the Japan Patent Office experts took place at the EAPO headquarters in Moscow. The visit was arranged in accordance with the agreements achieved earlier between the administrations of the Eurasian patent office (EAPO) and Japan Patent Office (JPO). Current working visit constitutes the first step of the cooperation between EAPO and JPO in the frame of Expert Exchange Program.

During the visit, presentations were made about the Eurasian Patent Organization, Eurasian Patent System and on activities of the Japan Patent Office respectively. EAPO and JPO experts held joint discussions on the subject of selected patent applications for inventions; they exchanged experiences on techniques and approaches to the processing of patent applications, visually demonstrated the tools and means for the conduction of the patent search in both Offices.

By the end, when concluding the outcomes of the visit, both EAPO and JPO specialists agreed on the value of the conducted discussions and the expediency to continue and develop the Expert Exchange Program further.