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Third session of the Permanent working group on information technologies of the Eurasian Patent Organization Administrative Council chaired by vice-President of the EAPO M-r Kh. F. Fayazov was held in the National patent-information Center of the Republic of Tajikistan (Dushanbe) on April 28-30, 2004.

Third Session of Permanent Working Group

Experts from the patent offices of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, The Republic of Belarus, The Republic of Kazakstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, The Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan and representatives of The European Patent Office and Eurasian Patent Office have participated in the session.

Third Session of Permanent Working Group

A wide range of questions associated with realization of joint projects in the field of information technologies, cooperation in this field with the European Patent Office and other offices, present situation and exchange of gathered experience in the field of automation in patent offices of the Member states of the Eurasian Patent Convention was considered at the session.

Third Session of Permanent Working Group

A workshop was also held under the auspices of the National patent-information Center of the Republic of Tajikistan on use of the Eapatis patent and information system for all Session participants on April 29-30, 2004.