Homepage / Press-center / News / The website of the first international Eurasian conference “IP Eurasia: Space of Innovation” launched

This year, IP Eurasia, which will be held on September 21, 2022, is dedicated to the issues of patent protection of medicines, the balance of interests of society, developers of innovative drugs and pharmaceutical companies.

On the conference website https://ip-eurasia.ru you can get acquainted with the program of the event, speakers and participants, as well as purchase tickets or obtain accreditation.

The conference participants will discuss issues of protection and commercialization of intellectual property in the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals in the Eurasian region, which, due to their nature, affect the vital interests of every person. The conference will be devoted to approaches to developing the innovative potential of the pharmaceutical and medical industries, practical tools for business in the field of intellectual property in the Eurasian space.

The event will be attended by the heads of patent offices of the countries of the Eurasian region, heads of pharmaceutical companies and market participants. Key issues of the agenda and development of the regional IP registration system will be discussed from the standpoint of the business community, inventors, patent attorneys and experts from patent offices. For the participants of the conference, leading experts in the field of intellectual property will conduct practical master classes, a business game for university students will also be held. As part of the exposition space, the participants of IP Eurasia 2022 will present technology advancements in the field of public health.

Official sponsors of the conference: PHS Pharmstandard; group of companies “R-Pharm”.

Sponsor of the event: Gorodissky & Partners Law Firm.

Organizers: Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) and Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP).

Event details, program, tickets and accreditation: https://ip-eurasia.ru