Homepage / Press-center / News / The First Session of the Working Group on Creation of the Eurasian System of Legal Protection of Industrial Designs

The first meeting of the working group (WG) on the creation of the Eurasian system of legal protection of industrial designs took place on November 17, 2017.

Representatives of the Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC) member states from Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Tajikistan took part in the video conference session of the WG.

In her opening remark EAPO President S. Tlevlessova underlined the main aim of establishing the working group and expressed her confidence in the skills and expertise of the WG members being the basis for the success of this initiative. Head of the WG Dmitry Rogozhin, Director of the Examination Department, EAPO, was the moderator of the video conference.

The session discussed organizational matters regarding the operation of the working group, deadlines for drafting Eurasian Convention on Industrial Design Legal Protection and the main normative acts for the regulation of design rights within the frameworks of the new regional system.