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WIPO Director General Daren Tang took part in the session of the EAPO Administrative Council. The session was held today at WIPO and was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Eurasian Patent Convention.

“This meeting symbolizes consistency of operations, the use of global experience, and the transfer of the best traditions and knowledge from IP professionals who have already become leaders in our field. Besides, this meeting indicates deep integration into the global patent system,” stated EAPO President Grigory Ivliev.

We have chosen WIPO Headquarters for this session because WIPO has greatly contributed to the formation of the Eurasian Patent Organization. With the assistance of Dr. Bogsch one of the crucial sessions of the Interstate Council for the Protection of Industrial Property was held at WIPO in February 1994. A Eurasian Patent Convention was drafted at that time. In 1995, WIPO hosted the first extraordinary session of the EAPO Administrative Council. At that session Viktor Blinnikov was appointed President of the Eurasian Patent Office, and the Organization commenced its operations.

EAPO. WIPO. 1994

“Their commitment to excellence has ensured that the EAPO remains at the forefront of intellectual property protection in Eurasia. As we celebrate this milestone anniversary, let us also look towards the future. The world of innovation is constantly evolving, and the EAPO must continue to adapt and thrive. I am confident that with its continued dedication and focus on progress, the EAPO will remain a vital pillar for Eurasian inventors and businesses, building on the successes of the past 30 years for many more years to come,” stated WIPO Director General Daren Tang.

EAPO international partners, namely representatives of Brazil, Uzbekistan, South Africa, international associations of inventors and professional community, congratulated the participants of the session on the 30th anniversary of the Eurasian Patent Convention.

The Administrative Council made a decision to improve conditions for the participants of the EAPO fellowship programs and internships and to simplify the electronic exchange of priority document copies. Besides, the Administrative Council approved the EAPO Annual Report for 2023 and presented the work on the Eurasian Accelerated Patent Prosecution Program (EA-PPH).

The Eurasian Patent Office and the National Center for Patents and Information of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan signed a cooperation agreement. Cooperation will focus on information search and examination of patent applications for inventions.