Homepage / Press-center / News / TASS: The EAPO announced the actually created mechanism for online registration of patent transactions

“The mechanism for online registration of transactions with intellectual property has actually already been implemented,” the President of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) Grigory Ivliev announced in an interview with TASS.

“Due to the specific character of interaction with the Eurasian Patent Office practically all firms of Eurasian patent attorneys and individual attorneys communicate with the office via the EAPO-Online system. When requesting the registration of transactions with Eurasian applications and patents, the most detailed information on the transaction is indicated, as well as the necessary set of electronic documents is attached,” Grigory Ivliev said.

He also noted that the EAPO, in turn, checks the completeness of the necessary documents and compliance with the requirements for their design, with the requirements of the normative legal acts of the Eurasian Patent Organization and the lack of any mutually exclusive terms of the transaction to be registered.

The EAPO President explained that if the submitted information and documents meet the established requirements, the Office registers the transaction and publishes an official announcement in the electronic gazette and on the Eurasian Publication Server with all the necessary details. “The published information also becomes part of an extended electronic publication on a Eurasian application or patent. In case of a change of the patent owner for Eurasian patent, a Certificate of the patent owner change is also issued and made available in the form of an electronic document with an EDS (electronic digital signature – TASS note),” Grigory Ivliev said.

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