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An electronic information exchange on national applications for inventions between the EAPO and the National Center for Patents and Information of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan was launched.

These are the first 8 applications filed through the EAPO-ONLINE electronic exchange system for the EAPO examiners to conduct information searches and make reports on patentability. Thus, the two offices started implementing the expert cooperation program in the field of patent examination. The agreement was signed on July 11, 2024, at the jubilee session of the EAPO Administrative Council in Geneva.

Now the national patent office of the Republic of Tajikistan can forward its applications to the EAPO to get a patentability report. The Eurasian examiners prepare such reports considering the high standards of the international PCT system. The program is implemented on a free-of-charge basis. It ensures the high quality of the national office’s decisions on applications in the most complex technology fields.

Earlier, the EAPO started implementing a similar program with the national patent offices of the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic.

The project is one of the EAPO initiatives aimed at creating a common information and examination space in the industrial property field in the Eurasian region.