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The President of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) met with the heads of African regional offices.

The most active users of the Eurasian regional system for the protection of intellectual property from among the residents of the member states of the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) are applicants from Mauritius, Seychelles and Kenya.

During bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the 46th session of the ARIPO Administrative Council with the Head of Kenya Industrial Property Institute John Onyango, and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade of Mauritius, R. Bugwant, Grigory Ivliev discussed possible ways to enhance cooperation between the EAPO and patent offices and residents African states.

The EAPO President presented the economic and legal advantages of the Eurasian system of intellectual property protection, spoke about the start of accepting applications with 3D models, and also discussed the immediate priorities of the EAPO: a possible expansion of intellectual property subjects and the need to develop the Eurasian dispute resolution system. Mr. Onyango in course of the conversation confirmed that the key advantages of the Eurasian patent system are regularly addressed during meetings with the business community of Kenya.

Grigory Ivliev invited representatives of patent offices to take part in the key EAPO events in 2023 — a meeting of the Administrative Council, a regional seminar and an IP Eurasia international conference, and also presented the heads of delegations of Mauritius and Kenya with a deluxe English edition of the book “Eurasian Patent System in Acts”.