Homepage / Press-center / News / Representatives of EAPO and the national IP Offices of the Organization shared their experience in PCT applications’ entering the regional and national phase

Details of PCT applications’ entering the regional and national phase and the practice of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) and the national IP offices of the member states of the Eurasian Patent Organization became the main topics of the joint training of the EAPO and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

The training is a continuation of a series of seminars on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) system organized by WIPO jointly with the EAPO. At the previous seminars, participants were given practical recommendations on the drafting and filing of international applications and their examination at the international phase. This time the seminar dealt with issues related to entering of international applications the regional and national phase.

Dmitry Rogozhin, Deputy Director of the EAPO Examination Department — Director of the Formal Examination Division, spoke about the advantages of joint use of the PCT system and the Eurasian patent system to obtain a single Eurasian patent valid on the territory of all member states of the Organization.

The EAPO speaker described the time limits for entering of international applications the regional phase according to the Eurasian patent legislation, the procedures for preserving rights in respect of the international applications in case of missing such time limits, as well as requirements for documents to be submitted to the EAPO for entering the regional phase. Information was provided on the respective fees, including the conditions for reducing the amount of fees paid in respect of international applications and the reduced rates for different categories of applicants.

The speaker gave the attendees practical advice on the use of information resources provided by WIPO and the EAPO allowing to control the time limits for entering the regional phase and complying with the requirements of the Eurasian patent legislation regarding the registration of submitted documents, correct calculation and proper payment of the established Eurasian fees.