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In the frame of the Examiner Exchange Program between Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) and Japan Patent Office (JPO) from 23 to 27 March, 2015 a working visit of the JPO examiners took place at the EAPO headquarters.

Specialists of the Eurasian Patent Office made presentations with detailed information about the activities of the Eurasian Patent Organization, Eurasian Patent System, Eurasian Patent Information Search System/ respective presentations were made by the representatives of the Japan Patent Office. Particular attention was paid to the processing of the applications for inventions, and patent search using patent information retrieval system – EAPATIS. JPO and EAPO examiners held joint considerations of selected applications for inventions, exchanged their experiences in processing of applications, demonstrated possibilities and means for carrying out patent searches in both Offices and marked similar approaches with respect to substantive examination.

At the end of the visit a concluding meeting took place, during which EAPO and JPO specialists acknowledged the usefulness of the held discussions and the feasibility of continuation and development of the Examiners Exchange Program.