Homepage / Press-center / News / Press-release on visit of JIPA and JETRO representatives to EAPO on October 24, 2012.

On October 24, 2012 representatives from Japanese Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) and representatives from Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) visited EAPO.

In Japanese delegation JIPA was represented by Mr. Daisuke NAGANO, Chairman of Working Group in Russia; Mr. Hiroaki TAMADA, Vice-chairman of the Working Group in Russia; and members of the Working Group in Russia: Mr. Hidehiro ITO; Mr. Hironou MAEDA; and Ms. Sayaka SHIMIZU, whereas JETRO was represented by Mr. Takahiro MIYAGAWA, Official representative of JETRO in Moscow; Mr. Takuya TANABU, representative in Dusseldorf; Ekaterina KRAEVA, expert (research) and Sergey CHIRONOV, interpreter.

From the EAPO side the delegation consisted of Mr. Victor TALYANSKIY, Director, Examination Department (Head of the EAPO Delegation); Mr. Vladimir SIRITYUK, Director, Patent Information and Automation Department; Mr. Dmitry ROGOZHIN, Director Deputy, Examination Department; and representatives from International Relations department- Mrs. Marina KRYUKOVA (director); Ms. Ekaterina CHEKUN and Ms. Evgenia VERYASOVA.

The main purpose of the visit was studying the questions related to patenting of inventions under the Eurasian procedure as well as to have a general overview of the Eurasian Patent System and its operational peculiarities.

During the meeting Japanese delegates made a presentation about activities and missions of JETRO and JIPA and in turn were familiarized with EAPO’s activity, its functions and structure. Afterwards EAPO delegates provided comprehensive answers for all questions of interest of the Japanese delegation.