Homepage / Press-center / News / Press Release on the Thirty-Third (Twenty-Fourth Regular) Meeting of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization

September 6 – 7, 2017 the thirty-third (twenty-fourth regular) meeting of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization (hereinafter referred to as EAPO AC) was held in Vladivostok, the Russian Federation.

The EAPO AC plenipotentiary representatives of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, deputy plenipotentiaries to the EAPO AC of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as members of the delegation of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Patent Office took part in the meeting.

The annual report of the Eurasian Patent Organization for 2016, the Organization’s budget for 2018, a number of international agreements signed by EAPO President S. Tlevlessova on behalf of the EAPO AC, amendments and supplements to the Patent Regulations under the Eurasian Patent Convention, Administrative Regulations under the Eurasian Patent Convention and the Regulations on the working conditions of employees of the Eurasian Patent Office we reviewed during the meeting. In addition, the Administrative Council made a decision on initiating a project to establish a Eurasian system for legal protection of industrial designs on the basis of EAPO, and considered a number of issues related to personnel policy.