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The Twenty fifth meeting of the Eurasian Patent Organization Administrative Council (EAPO AC) took place in Moscow, Russian Federation on November 15-17, 2011.

The meeting was attended by plenipotentiary representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and members of the delegation from Republic of Kazakhstan, and Russian Federation. The representative of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) attended the meeting as an observer. The Chairman of the EAPO Administrative Council, the plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Belarus, Leonid Voronetsky, chaired the meeting.

EAPO AC discussed several issues related to general prospects for EAPO development and approaches to consideration of some of the most urgent problems of protection of inventions.

While considering EAPO development, EAPO AC expressed common interest of its Member States in its further development and strengthening, as well as in preserving its human capacity for innovative development of Member States’ economies.

Discussing restriction of patent monopoly on inventions, relating to medicines, participants of the meeting marked that this question has to be supervised by the EAPO AC and further studied in the framework of the working group, including analysis of practice of restriction of patent monopoly on such inventions. The Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) was committed to elaborate recommendations and interpretations on the most complex and disputable questions arising during patenting of inventions, related to medicines.

Administrative Council considered and unanimously approved the EAPO annual report for 2010, adopted the adjusted budget for 2012, elaborated general principles of the EAPO budgeting.

EAPO AC examined the Program of training and re-training of specialists from NPOs of EAPO Member-States. Participants of the meeting approved EAPO activity in this direction.

To provide with complete and qualitative patent documentation such EAPO Member-States’ users, as Academy of Sciences and their branches, public libraries, universities, scientific and technical centers, EAPO AC supported the EAPO proposal to provide them a free (without payment) access to full texts of descriptions to national patent documentation of the Member-States in the EAPO information and search system EAPATIS.

The plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation Boris Simonov informed participants of the meeting about Rospatent readiness to provide EAPO and national patent offices with a free access to Patsearch (patent search system of Rospatent), containing over 80 million units of patent and non-patent documentation. EAPO AC took into consideration this proposal.

EAPO AC adopted amendments to Rules 9(3) and 9(4) of the Administrative Instruction to the Eurasian Patent Convention and to the Statute on Labour Conditions of EAPO Personnel.

EAPO AC awarded a V.I. Blinnikov Gold Medal “For the Contribution to Innovation and Patent Promotion” to:

– Armen Tonikyan, Director of the State Register Department, Intellectual Property Agency, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia,

– Anton Skvorchevsky, Chairman, the Belarusian Society of Inventors and Innovators (BOIR),

– Nataliya Sukhanova, Director, Department for Examination of Inventions, National Center of Intellectual Property under the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus,

– Abduali Baeshov, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after D.V. Sokolsky (Republic of Kazakhstan)

EAPO AC unanimously elected Ata Annaniyazov, plenipotentiary representative of Turkmenistan in the EAPO Administrative Council, as EAPO AC Deputy Chairman.

The next regular meeting of the EAPO Administrative Council is scheduled for November 2012.