Homepage / Press-center / News / Press-release on the results of the XXIVth (7th extraordinary) meeting of the EAPO Administrative Council

From June 7 to 9, 2011 the XXIVth (7th extraordinary) meeting of the EAPO Administrative Council was held in Moscow region.

The meeting was attended by plenipotentiary representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, as well as members of the delegations of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.

Leonid Voronetsky, Chairman of the EAPO Administrative Council, plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Belarus, chaired the meeting.

The Chairman of the EAPO Administrative Council informed participants of the meeting of the changes in the composition of the EAPO Administrative Council that took place since 2010 and welcomed the new member of the EAPO Administrative Council – Azhibai Aitievich Kalmamatov – plenipotentiary representative of the Kyrgyz Republic in EAPO Administrative Council, Director of the State Intellectual Property Service of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The main issue for consideration at the meeting was discussion of the strategy for development of the Eurasian Patent Organization. The discussions started from exchange of views of the participants on general trends of NPOs’ developments and strategy for development of the EAPO. Participants of the meeting marked their interest in further development of the Eurasian Patent Organization considering purposes and goals facing NPOs. EAPO Administrative Council commissioned the EAPO President to prepare proposals for perspectives of EAPO development and to submit them for further consideration at the next EAPO Administrative Council meeting.

Further participants discussed documents, prepared by EAPO, on patent protection of medicines and provision of access to medicines, training and re-training specialists of NPOs, parties to the EAPC, and formation of EAPO employees, development and implementation of information technologies in NPOs.

Based on discussions and with regard of the document prepared by EAPO on patent protection of medicines and provision of access to medicines, EAPO Administrative Council marked urgency of the problem on providing population with affordable medicines in situation of patent monopoly of foreign companies. EAPO Administrative Council decided to organize a working group consisting of representatives of NPOs, parties to the EAPC, to draft proposals on solutions of the problem on national and regional levels. The EAPO Administrative Council addressed the plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Belarus to coordinate work of the group and to prepare a summary of proposals submitted by plenipotentiary representatives in EAPO Administrative Council for further consideration at the next EAPO Administrative Council meeting.
During discussion of training and re-training of specialists for NPOs, parties to EAPC, and formation of EAPO employees, the EAPO Administrative Council shared concern of the EAPO President on non-completeness of vacant posts after the announced at EAPO competitions. Participants of the meeting pronounced for a proposal to grant EAPO President more independence in personnel recruitment and training, and commissioned the EAPO President to submit a draft decision of this issue. The EAPO Administrative Council approved the EAPO proposal on extending forms of training on IT for specialists from NPOs on the basis of specialized courses in training centers in Moscow, such as “Mikroinform”, “IT Academy”, “SOFTLINE Academy”. With regard of the submitted proposals, the EAPO Administrative Council commissioned the EAPO President to develop a program on training for specialists of the NPOs and to submit it for further consideration at the next EAPO Administrative Council meeting.

Participants of the meeting listened and approved the EAPO proposals on technical assistance to NPOs of EAPO member-states on implementation of information technology of electronic bulletin issue and on provision of free access to EAPATIS for public libraries and leading universities of EAPO member-states.

The next regular meeting of the EAPO Administrative Council is scheduled for November 2011.