Homepage / Press-center / News / Press Release on the meeting of the EAPO Administrative Council on July, 10, 2015

The Eurasian Patent Organization’s Administrative Council resumed its twenty-ninth (eighth extraordinary) meeting at the Moscow EAPO headquarters on 10 July 2015 to complete the procedure of appointment to the Eurasian Patent Office Presidency.

The resumed session drew participation from plenipotentiary representatives of the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, deputy plenipotentiary representative of the Azerbaijan Republic and delegation members from the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation.

As a result of the meeting, the EAPO Administrative Council resolved that Mrs Saule Yanvarbekovna Tlevlessova be appointed the new EAPO President for a six-year term and take office on 11 February 2016.

The EAPO Administrative Council offered their congratulations to Mrs Tlevlessova on her appointment and instructed the EAPO Secretariat to draft a contract between the Organization and the future EAPO President towards an ordinary meeting of the EAPO Administrative Council due in November 2015.