Homepage / Press-center / News / Press-release on results of the XXVI ordinary session of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization

20 – 22 November, 2012, XXVI ordinary session of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization was held at the EAPO headquarters. The session was attended by the plenipotentiary representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan and Republic of Turkmenistan, as well as members of delegations of Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

Representatives from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and AGEPI (Republic of Moldova) have attended the session in observer’s capacity. The session was chaired by Annaniyazov A.B, Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Council of the EAPO and plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Turkmenistan.

Deputy Chairman of the AC EAPO informed the participants about the changes which took place since November, 2011 and introduced newly appointed members of the AC EAPO. The Administrative Council of the EAPO reviewed and unanimously approved the EAPO’s Annual Report for year 2011, and endorsed EAPO’s budget for year 2013. In the frame of discussions of the EAPO budget 2013, it was decided to conduct a regional seminar in the Republic of Moldova in 2013. AC EAPO considered a list of amendments and additions to the normative and legislative acts. In particular it was decided to make amendments and additions to the Statute of Fees of Eurasian Patent Organization and to Patent Instructions to the Eurasian Patent Convention, which will come into force on January 1, 2013. Additionally it was decided to make amendments and additions to the Financial Regulations to the Eurasian Patent Convention and to the Procedure of Formation and Expenditure of the Reserve Fund of the Eurasian Patent Organization, which will come into force on December 1, 2012.

Administrative Council of the EAPO:

  • Approved the conclusion of the Agreement between EAPO and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on the protection of Intellectual Property on the territory of the Republic of Moldova after the denunciation of the Eurasian Patent Convention by the Republic of Moldova and Agreement on Cooperation between EAPO and AGEPI.
  • Approved the EAPO’s activities on concluding Agreements on granting access to the public libraries, Universities and science and technology centers to the EAPO member-states.

AC EAPO awarded the V.I. Blinnikov Gold Medal “For the Contribution to Inventive and Patent Activities” to:

  • Abduramanov A.A., Doctor of Technical Science and Professor of M.X Dulati, Taraz Government University (Republic of Kazakhstan),
  • Ysupbaev A.Ch., Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Kyrgyz Government Medical Academy (Kyrgyz Republic),
  • Kazak N.S., Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly on Education, Culture, Science, Scientific and Technical progress, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Republic of Belarus),
  • Mehovaya E.E., Director Intellectual Property Department, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University.

AC EAPO determined that matters of development of the organization must be constantly kept under attention of the Administrative Council.

AC EAPO discussed the request by the Eurasian Economic Committee (EEC) to grant EEC viewer’s status of the EAPO and commissioned the President of the EAPO to prepare, jointly, with EEC Agreement on bilateral cooperation between organizations, which must reflect matters of reciprocally providing observer’s status in appropriate Working Bodies of the parties, and to submit the agreement for revision during the subsequent session of the AC EAPO.

AC EAPO unanimously elected:

Chairman of the AC EAPO – Annaniyazov A.B., plenipotentiary representative of Republic of Turkmenistan.

Deputy Chairman – Azizyan A. F., plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Armenia and Simonov B.P., plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation.


The next ordinary session of the AC EAPO is scheduled for the first decade of December, 2013.