Homepage / Press-center / News / Press-release on conduction of the 2012 autumn training session, for specialists from National Patent Offices of the EAPO member-states at the Eurasian Patent Office of the Eurasian Patent Organization.

From October 22 till November 2, 2012, at the EAPO headquarters Eurasian Patent Office conducted theoretical and practical training program which included series of thematic lectures on the “Information Technologies used in Eurasian Patent Office” for specialists from the National Patent Offices of the EAPO member-states.

The trainees were represented by the specialists from Information Units of the National Patent Offices of the EAPO member-states.

The training was opened by the Vice-President of EAPO Mr. Kh.Fayazov.

The program of the training included series of lectures from experts of the Eurasian Patent Office and World Intellectual Property Organization.

EAPO experts working in IT units have revealed the basics of the information technologies which are used in the EAPO for the transferal of the applications via electronic means, issue of the official publications on electronic media, as well as information search systems used when conducting a patent search.

From the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presentations were made by Mr. Peter Warring – Head Technical Cooperation Section PCT International Cooperation Division, and Mr. Mikhail Gavrikov- Senior Program Officer PCT International Cooperation Division.

Mr. Gavrikov made an overview of the PCT system, latest changes in it and PCT information resources; he also spoke about the content and preparation of the international application, conduction of the international search and international preliminary examination.

Mr. Warring dedicated his presentation to the electronic filing of applications through the PCT-SAFE system and to practices of filling out the forms of an electronic application.

In the frame of the training program workshops were conducted on theoretical and practical application of the professional knowledge, on information technologies used in the EAPO’s production activities, as well as “round tables” were carried out at the workstations in the Information and Industrial Divisions of the Patent Information and Automation Department of the EAPO.

At the end of the training, President of EAPO A. Grigoriev presented specialists from the National Patent Offices of the EAPO member-states with certificates.

Having undergone training at the EAPO, specialists expressed gratitude for the thematic lectures and training which enhanced professional knowledge and international cooperation, as well as noted the high level of organization of the training.