Homepage / Press-center / News / Press-release on conduction of 2013 spring training session for patent examiners and specialists from the National Patent Offices of the States Party to the Eurasian Patent Convention at the Eurasian Patent Office of the Eurasian Patent Organization

From 20th May to 3rd June, 2013 a cycle of thematic lectures and practical trainings on the topic of “ Examination of Eurasian patent applications and granting of Eurasian patents” was conducted for the specialists from the National Patent Offices of the States Party to the Eurasian Patent Convention at the EAPO headquarters in Moscow.

The trainees were represented by the patent examiners and specialists from the National Patent Offices of the EAPC member-states.

The session was opened by the President of the EAPO Mr. Alexander Grigoriev.

The training program covered a course of lectures presented by the specialists of the Eurasian Patent Office and World Intellectual Property Organization; the program also encompassed practical training.

The theme of the lectures, delivered by the EAPO specialists covered various aspects of the Eurasian Patent Procedure. The trainees were informed in detail about the requirements for preparation of Eurasian applications, about the filing procedure and payments of the Eurasian fees during all phases of the processing and examination of the application at the EAPO, including peculiarities of conducting examination in individual fields (e.g. medicine, mechanics), about the granting and maintenance of Eurasian patents in force in the States Party to the EAPC and about procedure for reviewing of the contestations of validity of Eurasian patents.

Specialists from the EAPO IT departments in their presentations familiarized the audience with the information technologies, used in the EAPO when applications are being filed ( including electronic filings), organization and conduction of examination, accounting of the fees for all stages of the processing of the documents, examination and maintenance of the Eurasian patents in force, issuance of the official EAPO publications, as well as use of information-retrieval systems when conducting a patent search.

From the World intellectual Property Organization a lecture was delivered by Mr. Mikhail Gavrikov – Senior Program Officer PCT International Cooperation Division.

Mr. Gavrikov presented an overview of the PCT system, latest changes in it and PCT information resources; he also spoke about the procedures for preparation of international applications, filing (including electronic filing system PCT-SAFE) and processing of the applications, conduction of international search and international preliminary examination.

During the training, workshops were organized for the trainees in the Examination and Patent Information Departments.

At the end of the training session specialists from the National Patent Offices were awarded with Certificates.

Having undergone training at the EAPO, specialists expressed gratitude for the thematic lectures and workshops which enhanced professional knowledge and international cooperation, as well as noted the high level of organization of the training.