The meeting was held in the Eurasian Patent office premises and attended by eight Member States of the Eurasian Patent Convention – Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, The Republic of Tajikistan, deputy plenipotentiary representatives of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, members of the above Member States delegations, as well as WIPO and EPO representatives.

The meeting was chaired by Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mir Yagub Mir Abbas ogly Seidov, the Chairman of the EAPO Administrative Council.

Taking into account the recommendations of the 10-th (October 2005) Meeting of the Budget Working Group the EAPO Administrative Council has approved the 2004 Annual Report and has adopted the budget for 2006 presented by EO President A.N.Grigoriev and I.V.Koteshevoi (the Republic of Belarus), head of the EAPO Administrative Council Budget Working Group.

The EAPO Administrative Council discussed matters of optimization of forecasting and planning of the Organization financial and economic activities and its Office.

The Administrative Council considered a number of additions and amendments to the Organization normative and legislative acts: Patent Instruction to the Eurasian Patent Convention, Statute Fees of the Organization, Status of the EO personnel and other normative documents.

Additions and amendments to the above normative legislative documents to be introduced as from January 1, 2006, are aimed at further development of legislative structure of the Eurasian patent system and relations touching the rights and interests of users and participants of this system.

    Additions and amendments made in the Patent Instruction:

  • create legislative basis for practical realization in the near future procedures and technologies for electronic filing of applications, as well as electronic publications of eurasian patent documents and data thereof published on paper today;
  • aimed at regulating the procedure of eurasian patent prolongation, time and process of search report publications for eurasian applications;
  • presenting the eurasian patent holders a possibility to change a list of inventors for eurasian applications;
  • procedure of eurasian application processing filed by applicants from the EAPO Contracting States.

Additions and amendments were introduced to the Statute Fees resulting from the additions and amendments to the Patent Instruction.

Besides, some norms of the Patent Instruction and the Statute Fees were corrected based on practice of their using.

Norms of the Status of EO personnel were changed and amended in line with selection and appointment of the EO staff, as well as employer-employee regulations. This is caused by the additions and amendments introduced to the Administrative Instruction to the Eurasian Patent Convention adopted at the previous (November 2004) meeting of the Administrative Council.

The Administrative Council considered problems of further development in the field of information technologies.

The Administrative Council agreed with the EO proposals to provide a free (of charge) access to all interested users via the Eurasian patent-information system (EAPATIS) to full texts of eurasian patent descriptions and published eurasian applications and search them by numbers of eurasian patent documents.

The information was presented to the Administrative Council concerning presentation in full scope and in proper time retrospective and current patent documentation by the EAPO Member States to be included to EAPATIS and corresponding recommendations were given to the above countries.

The WIPO proposals for cooperation with the EAPO on realizing projects in the field of information technologies in said patent offices were taken for consideration.

The AC participants discussed a number of matters related to the tenth anniversary of the Eurasian Patent Organization (the first week of September, 2006)

It is planned to organize a number of jubilee celebrations.
Among them – International conference ”Global patent system: present state and prospective”.

Heads of the EAPO Member States patent offices, the WIPO, EPO, ARIPO participants and experts, representatives of international intergovernmental and non-government organizations in the field of intellectual property as well as representatives of different institutions, scientists and specialists in charge of intellectual property protection, representatives of business and public circles are invited to participate in the conference.

The Administrative Council decided to recommend awarding V.I.Blinnikov Gold Medal ”For Outstanding Achievement” to the participants of the EAPO foundation who contributed much in formation and acknowledgement of the EAPO.

Since the Moscow Mint has made some changes in the medal prototype, the Administrative Council approved the above changes and adopted the image and the medal description according to the prototype.

The EO President informed the AD participants that the first V.I.Blinnikov Gold Medal was awarded to Rospatent (Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks) for fruitful activities in the field of intellectual property, merits in formation, establishing and development the EAPO and for marking the 50-th anniversary of Goskomizobretenij – Rospatent foundation, where for more than 25 years worked V.I.Blinnikov.

The Administrative Council supported proposals to holding in 2006 two seminars on industrial property protection – a workshop in the Republic of Belarus and a workshop in the Kyrgyz Republic devoted to the 15-th CIS anniversary.

The AD participants were informed on development of cooperation between Eurasian and national patent offices including signing Minutes on technical assistance to the Agreement between the Eurasian Patent office and Rospatent and on drafting an agreement on cooperation between the Mexican Institute of industrial property and the Eurasian Patent office.

The last item of the agenda was devoted to election of new AD deputy-chairmen since the term office of A.F.Azizyan, plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Armenia and N.N.Sakhipovoj, plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan expired in November 2005.

The AD expressed their gratitude to them for fruitful work as the EAPO AD deputy-chairmen and personal contribution to the EAPO development.

R.O.Omorov, plenipotentiary representative of the Kyrgyz Republic and L.I.Voronetsky, plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Belarus were elected unanimously as the EAPO AD deputy-chairmen.

– R.O.Omorov

– L.I.Voronetsky

The Administrative Council decided to hold its next regular meeting in Moscow in the first decade of September attaching it to the EAPO 10-th anniversary.

The EAPO normative legislative acts and documents with additions and amendments adopted by the Administrative Council are accessible on the EAPO web-sites.