Homepage / Press-center / News / Press-Release of the Twenty Second Session (Sixteenth Regular) of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization

The Twenty second (sixteenth regular) meeting of the EAPO Administrative Council took place in Moscow, Russian Federation on November 10-12, 2009.

The meeting was held in the Eurasian Patent Office premises and attended by eight Member-States of the Eurasian Patent Convention – plenipotentiary representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, and members of the delegation from Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, and Russian Federation. The representatives of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the European Patent Office (EPO), the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), and African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) attended the meeting as observers.

The Chairman of the EAPO Administrative Council, the plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Moldova, Dorian Chirosca, chaired the meeting.

The Chairman of the EAPO Administrative Council informed of the appointment of the plenipotentiary representative in the EAPO Administrative Council from Turkmenistan – Ata Bazarovich Annaniyazov.

Following the recommendations of the 14th meeting of the Budget Working Group (October 2009) the Administrative Council approved the EAPO annual report for 2008 and adopted the budget for 2010 presented to the meeting by EAPO President Dr. Alexander Grigoriev.

The EAPO Administrative Council heard and took into consideration the Report on realization of the EAPO Development Program from 2004 to 2009 presented by EAPO President Dr. Alexander Grigoriev.

Participants of the meeting discussed the document "Main Directions for EAPO Development in 2010 – 2014" prepared by EAPO and commissioned the EAPO President to prepare on the basis of the aforementioned document the EAPO Development Program from 2010 to 2014 for the next EAPO Administrative Council meeting.

EAPO Administrative Council discussed the draft amendments and alterations to the Administrative Regulations under the Eurasian Patent Convention, the EAPO AC Rules of Procedure, and EAPO Staff Regulations, prepared by EAPO. After the discussion it was decided that EAPO shall prepare a full set of documents taking into account results of the discussion and present it at the next EAPO AC meeting.

EAPO Administrative Council decided to hold in 2010 a seminar on intellectual property in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The EAPO Administrative Council heard and took into consideration the Report prepared by Vice-President Kh. Fayazov on activity of the Standing Working Group on Information Technologies in 2009.

The EAPO AC also took into consideration information on the signing of a Memorandum on Understanding on Bilateral Cooperation between the Korean Intellectual Property Office and the Eurasian Patent Organization, and the Agreement on the use of the Eurasian Patent Information System of the Eurasian Patent Office of the Eurasian Patent Organization and the Patent and Utility Model Search Database of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic.

The EAPO Administrative Council approved the EAPO proposal on amendments to the organization of training process for the representatives of the member states at EAPO. The participants of the meeting commissioned the EAPO President to prepare and approve training programs and to introduce a new procedure of training from January 1, 2010.

Participants of the meeting listened to the official statement of the ARIPO representative where he stressed the importance of experience sharing and development of cooperation between the two regional organizations which have common goals and objectives as well as informed of the desire of the ARIPO for further development and strengthening of friendly relations and cooperation between EAPO and ARIPO.

The Chairman of the EAPO Administrative Council Dorian Chirosca on behalf of the participants of the meeting expressed gratitude for the statement made.

During the closing part of the meeting the EAPO Administrative Council elected the two Deputy Chairmen of the EAPO Administrative Council as the term of deputy chairmanship for Mr. Sharofiddin Nazhmudinov and Mr. Rustemmurat Paizullaev expired in November 2009.

The Administrative Council thanked them for the fruitful work as Deputy Chairmen of the Administrative Council and for their personal contribution to the organization’s progress.

Ulan Melisbek, plenipotentiary representative of the Kyrgyz Republic and Nurlan Abdrakhim, plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan were unanimously elected Deputy Chairmen of the EAPO Administrative Council.


The EAPO Administrative Council decided to hold its next regular session in Moscow in November 2010.