Homepage / Press-center / News / Pharmaceutical Industry and Intellectual Property: IP Eurasia Conference to Discuss Best Practices for IP Management in the Eurasian Patent Space

On September 21, 2022, the first international conference on intellectual property and technology “IP Eurasia’22: Space of Innovation” will be held.

Representatives of international organizations, government agencies, professional community and leaders of the industry will discuss approaches to developing the innovative potential of the pharmaceutical and medical sector, industry regulation and practical tools for business in the field of intellectual property in the Eurasian space. The conference organizers are the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) and the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP).

“Issues of the pharmaceutical agenda in the current context are extremely relevant. New challenges arise on the market all over the world, which require to take full advantage of patent protection of innovative drugs and intellectual property in general in the Eurasian space. The IP Eurasia Conference is a call for active cooperation between international, government and business structures for the benefit of the entire society on a regional and global scale. I am sure that we will be able to collect and discuss the requests of all participants of the market, to form a common vector of practical interaction” – said Grigory Ivliev, President of the Eurasian Patent Office.

The thematic sessions will be attended by the heads of patent offices of the countries of the Eurasian region, representatives of international organizations and public authorities, experts in the field of intellectual property, heads of pharmaceutical companies, leaders of the professional community. More than 300 participants from 10 countries will attend IP Eurasia events. The thematic conference exhibition will present the history and modern technologies in the field of public health of the Eurasian region.

All information on participation in the conference will be published in the official Telegram channel of the Eurasian Patent Office.