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Denis Zastavny, Director of the Paperless Information Technology Division of Patent Information and Automation Department of the EAPO, spoke at the I Congress of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) of the Republic of Belarus, held on November 30, 2022 in Minsk.

Mr. Zastavny presented in detail the search functions of the Eurasian patent information system EAPATIS, the EAPO-ONLINE electronic exchange system and other EAPO electronic services. Besides, technological innovations implemented in the EAPO this year were also highlighted, including the electronic patent granting and the integration of 3D models in the list of files available for submitting applications for industrial designs and inventions via EAPO-ONLINE. Denis Zastavny noted that today not only the submission of 3D models as part of a new application is available in the EAPO, but also the submission of 3D image for previously filed materials.

The ceremony of signing the Agreement on Cooperation between the National Center for Intellectual Property (Republic of Belarus) and the Association of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (Russian Federation), and the ceremony of signing the Agreement on the establishment of TISC on the platform of the “Mogilev Technological Park” were held within the Congress.

The event was organized by the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, the National Center for Intellectual Property in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation.