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On September 25, 2018 a group of representatives of Licensing Executives Society Japan (LES Japan) had a study visit to the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO).

The Asian Issues Studies Unit is part of LES Japan, which investigates various issues related to intellectual property rights, licensing and technology transfer in Asian countries. Founded in 1972, LES Japan is one of the largest regional non-profit organizations constituent to the Licensing Executives Society International and has more than 700 affiliates: representatives of international agencies and corporations providing services in the field of intellectual property, practicing lawyers, patent attorneys.

The purpose of the visit of the representatives of the Asia Issues Study Group was to familiarize with the activities of EAPO, including the peculiarities of patenting inventions in accordance with the Eurasian patent legislation, procedural issues of examination of Eurasian applications, statistical data on the use of the Eurasian patent system by applicants from Japan, as well as certain aspects of EAPO’s international cooperation with the largest national and regional intellectual property offices.

Answering the questions of the guests, the EAPO representatives spoke about the main areas of cooperation with the Japanese Patent Office, including the implementation of the joint accelerated patent procedure program (PPH) and the exchange of experience in the field of patenting, answered numerous other questions.