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The International Forum Technoprom-2024, which started today in Novosibirsk, focused on this topic.

Armen Azizyan, Counselor to the President of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), noted that training of specialists in the field of intellectual property is a fundamental goal for many countries. Enhancing human resources is one of the key elements in many national IP development strategies.

The EAPO has been promoting training programs for representatives of the EAPO Member States for many years. Recently, funding for advanced training, retraining, higher education and postgraduate programs has increased.

The trends in the implementation of educational projects include the following:

— focus on online formats (webinars are becoming more common);

— rapid adjustment of educational materials to the needs of a particular organization (a training program may focus on patenting in IT, medicine, etc.);

— focus on practical IP skills rather than theoretical knowledge. Many offices hold webinars and seminars specifically on preparing application files, conducting searches, and rights management.

According to Armen Azizyan, the project for technoparks implemented in cooperation with WIPO was a practice-oriented milestone.

The project involved 15 beneficiary technoparks from all EAPO member states. Their representatives take part in training programs on various topics: licensing, IP marketing, IP valuation, etc. The pilot technoparks have signed six bilateral cooperation agreements so far.

Counselor to the EAPO President Armen Azizyan awarded the winner of the 2023 Eurasian Universiade Ekaterina Maksimova from Novosibirsk.