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The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) delegation, headed by Commissioner Sung Yun Mo paid a visit to the Eurasian Patent Office on June 21, 2018. Director of KIPO International Cooperation Department Park Yong Ju and Deputy Director of the same department Jeon Ik Soo accompanied Commissioner Sung.

EAPO President Saule Tlevlessova and department executives accepted the KIPO delegation.

The KIPO delegation got acquainted with the specificities of the Eurasian patent system, the advantages of protection of inventions by Eurasian patent, the main streams of activity of the Eurasian Office and examination and ITC development issues. EAPO as well organized a brief visit of the KIPO delegation to the examination divisions.

The Heads of the two offices expressed mutual interest in enhanced cooperation, agreed on necessity to start new discussions on broader technical cooperation, exchange of experience, as well as on signing PPH Pilot programme between EAPO and KIPO and an agreement on data exchange.