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Today is the third day of the meetings of the Assemblies of WIPO Member States. President of the Eurasian Patent Office Grigory Ivliev had meetings with representatives of India and Turkey.

The EAPO President agreed to the following with Unnat Pandit, Controller General of Patents, Industrial Designs and Trade Marks of India:

  • to update the plan of joint activities with due regard to the priorities of the Offices;
  • to organize training on the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library of India;
  • to organize a visit by IT specialists to exchange expertise;
  • to learn from experience as a PCT IGO, including the quality of examination.

Grigory Ivliev agreed to the following with the Head of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office Dr. Muhammed Zeki Durak:

  • to promote the Eurasian patent system among Turkish companies;
  • to cooperate in the PPH format;
  • exchange experience in working with digital tools, conducting examinations, and streamlining the application process;
  • sign a Memorandum on cooperation between the offices.