Grigory Ivliev, President of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), had a meeting with Kamran Imanov, Chairman of the Board of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The meeting was focused on cooperation between offices in the fields of examination and IT. Grigory Ivliev presented the EAPO initiatives for the development of a common examination and information space. This includes the Eurasian Patent Prosecution Highway program EA-PPP, which should reduce duplication of work and costs for applicants.

Azerbaijan can also take part in the Eurasian project for Electronic Priority Documents Exchange and the Pilot Program for Advanced Information Search and Preliminary Assessment of the Patentability of Inventions.

The EAPO proposed to develop electronic document exchange between offices for IT dialogue and invited Azerbaijan to join the CISPATENT pilot project. This is a constantly updated regional database of patent documents which improves the quality of search and examination.

Grigory Ivliev revealed the celebration plans for the Eurasian Patent Convention’s 30th anniversary this year. The Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization will meet in July and September this year to sum up the results of 30 years of work and outline plans for the future.

Addressing the issues raised by Grigory Ivliev,

Kamran Imanov highlighted the significance of the issues raised by Grigory Ivliev for the development of the Eurasian patent system. He emphasized that Azerbaijan will consider whether to join the proposed projects according to its own interests and assess their potential impact on the development of the national institute of intellectual property.

He also outlined the recent achievements of the Agency. In particular, the Agency’s Chairman of the Board noted that the organization accepts documents for patenting and registration of industrial property objects around-the-clock via the digital information system “Open Target for Patents and Trademarks” (PANAH).

In addition, the Register of Industrial Property Objects – “open registers” for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks and geographical indications – was established to ensure transparency and access to information.

The parties discussed the prospects for bilateral cooperation, the possibility of using the EAPO services to carry out examinations, and fee indexation.