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The President of the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) will give a lecture on Eurasian integration in IP to the young lawyers. III Winter Online School of Foreign Law will be held on January 18-19, 2023. The School is organized by the University named after O.E. Kutafin (Moscow State Law Academy, Russia) and the International Alliance of Lawyers and Economists (France).

The lecture of the EAPO President will take place on January 18, 2023, at 11:55 a.m.

“Activity in IP has national and regional components in the Eurasian space. Protection of IP rights in Russia is regulated not only by national legislation, but also by a number of international treaties. The key achievement of the Eurasian integration in the field of IP is the development of regional registration systems, which make it faster, easier and cheaper to protect inventions and industrial designs in several states of the region at once.

At the same time, there remains a significant untapped potential for the use of IP for socio-economic development of the Eurasian region. Countries are actively improving regulations for the development of IP ecosystems. New regional IP subject matters and improved mechanisms for resolving disputes in a centralized manner are in demand on the part of business”, says the annotation of Grigory Ivliev’s lecture.

Professors of the Moscow State Law Academy, law professors from China, Italy, Brazil, India and France will also take part in the School (the program of the School can be downloaded here). The School is open for the 2nd-4th year bachelor’s, 5th year specialist’s and master’s students of any year of the Moscow State Law Academy, as well as students of foreign partner universities.

Find out more details about the rules of participation, the concept of the School at the Moscow State Law Academy website, by email intlawschool@msal.ru or by phone +7 (499) 244 88 88, extension 2051.

Announcement of the III Winter Online School of Foreign Law (in Russian).

Program of the III Winter Online School of Foreign Law (in Russian).