Homepage / Press-center / News / Experts from all EAPO national IP offices take part in EAPO internship

On Monday, November 28, 2022, an internship for specialists from national IP offices will start at the Eurasian Patent Office. Almost two dozen examiners from the national patent offices of eight member states of the Eurasian Patent Organization will improve their professional competence in the field of examination of industrial designs.

“The Office is actively promoting the regional system of industrial design patenting,” emphasizes Grigory Ivliev, President of the EAPO. — The demand for Eurasian patents is growing. Since last June the Eurasian design applications have been filed by residents of 14 states. Among them are China, USA, Germany, Canada, Japan, Turkey, Finland, Poland, Bulgaria and others. Applications are submitted from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

Experts from the EAPO, representatives of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (Russian Federation), the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP) – the basic organization of the Interstate Council on Intellectual Property of the Commonwealth of Independent States will speak to participants during the training course.

The audience will be treated to lectures on the Eurasian regulatory framework in the field of industrial designs, the principles and stages of examination of applications, the EAPO electronic services, and the requirements for filing oppositions. Representatives of FIPS will talk about the Russian experience in examining applications with 3D models, and representatives of RSAIP – about the difference between trademarks and industrial designs and the most effective form of legal protection.