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The Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) announces the launch of the 2020 Eurasian Patent Universiade “Advancing the Future” dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Eurasian Patent Organization.

The Universiade is open to individuals aged 18 to 25.

The Universiade is held in the form of a competition of projects containing the scientific and technical creativity on the following topics:

  • “We are the followers of Nikola Tesla. All nature laws are in our hands”
  • “We are the followers of Dmitry Mendeleyev. Shall we play some chemistry? Yes! And increase lifespan!”
  • “We are the followers of Avicenna. Creating the sixth book of the “The Canon of Medicine”!
  • “We are the followers of Antoni Gaudí. What is it – the city of tomorrow?”
  • “Always in touch – study together, relax together. Tools of remote learning and interactive leisure”
  • “Social distance in social networks – new ways to ensure safe communication in today’s world”
  • “Protection from the virus – the enemy shall not pass! Solutions of individual protection from infecting for doctors and patients”
  • “Faster, higher, stronger and … closer! Innovative simulators and methods to keep fit in a pandemic”.

Creative projects may be presented in Russian or English. Requirements for design of the projects and attachments are available on the EAPO web site.

In view of the epidemiological situation, the projects should be submitted by email at info@eapo.org (maximum message size is 10 MB), with indication “For the Eurasian Patent Universiade “Advancing the Future”.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their projects to EAPO by February 28, 2021. The results will be published on March 31, 2021.

Welcome to the Universiade!