Emil Mammadov, Counsel to the EAPO President, presented the development trends of the Eurasian patent system and initiatives of the Eurasian Patent Office at the conference of the Association of European Businesses.

“The benefits of regional protection and enforcement of intellectual property are obvious for business. Our common goal is to provide applicants and right holders with new tools to ensure protection and enforcement of their rights. I would like to mention that it is a cost-effective and simple procedure to obtain protection for inventions and industrial designs on the territory of eight Eurasian states by filing one application in one language with payment of one set of fees without additional validations in the Member States,” commented Emil Mammadov.

The Eurasian patent system is in demand all over the world. The users are inventors from more than 130 countries. Applicants from the USA and Europe are still interested in the Eurasian patent system.  China is also taking the lead.

“Despite the geopolitical context, the number of valid patents owned by applicants from the US, the UK and other countries is growing. China is occupying leading positions, both in terms of the number of applications and the dynamics of growth of valid patents,” added Emil Mammadov.

The conference of the Association of European Businesses’ Committee was held in Moscow. It was focused on trends and challenges in the field of intellectual property. Representatives of the Eurasian Patent Office, Rospatent, FAS Russia, members of the Association of European Businesses and examiners in the field of intellectual property took part in the conference. They addressed a number of important topics: the main amendments in legislation, case law in IP, IP protection in pharmaceuticals, protection of rights in the Internet and meta-universe.