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A significant event has taken place in the life of the Eurasian Patent Organization: the Eurasian Patent Office registered the 500th Eurasian patent attorney. He is Evgeny Gorbachevsky, patent attorney of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director General for Intellectual Property, the Special Systems and Technologies Group of Companies (SST Group).

According to the results of Mr. Gorbachevsky’s certification as a Eurasian patent attorney, the Qualification Board of the Eurasian Office noted the high level of the candidate’s preparation and quality of his examination work.

Anniversary Certificate of the Eurasian patent attorney No. 500 was presented to by the EAPO President Saule Tlevlessova, congratulating Mr. Gorbachevsky on his new professional status.

EAPO puts great emphasis on interaction with Eurasian patent attorneys. The EAPO regularly holds meetings aimed at informing patent attorneys about the recent progress in the activity of the Office, exchange of views on the improvement of the Eurasian patent procedure, discussion of the prospects for the development of the Eurasian patent system.

Any person, who has been registered as a patent attorney by the national Office of an EAPC Contracting State and who passes a qualification exam, may be registered as a Eurasian patent attorney.

Since 2018, the EAPO has been providing an opportunity to pass the qualification exam for certification as a Eurasian patent attorney in a remote mode.