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The Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) is preparing the application for appointment as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority (ISA/IPEA) under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) as provided for by the Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC).

In September 2019 the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization unanimously supported and adopted the EAPO initiative to seek appointment as an International Authority under the PCT.

From the very first stages, the project is being realized in close cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which provided EAPO with comprehensive consultations. The Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation (Rospatent) and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) became assisting offices to assess the EAPO compliance with the ISA/IPEA requirements.

In September-October 2019, Rospatent and CNIPA delegations visited the EAPO headquarters.

During their missions the delegations of Rospatent and CNIPA were acquainted with the EAPO activities within the framework of the PCT system, the Eurasian patent procedure, including patent search and examination of Eurasian applications, the EAPO automation tools and information support services, the EAPO human resources capacity and the implemented quality management system.

EAPO experts demonstrated the features of the Eurasian Patent Information System (EAPATIS) for search of the patent collections of EAPO and national IP offices of the EAPC Contracting States, access to the patent collections related to the PCT Minimum Documentation, examples of patent searches and examination in various fields of technology.

In turn, the delegations of Rospatent and CNIPA shared their experience in conducting international patent search and preliminary examination, as well as in implementing the requirements related to quality management.

On October 17-18, 2019, EAPO hosted the delegation of WIPO’s PCT Business Development Division representatives Mr. Michael Richardson, Head of the Division, and Mr. Tom Marlow, Senior Policy Officer.

The mission was organized for consultations on the PCT procedure for the appointment of IP offices as International Authorities, as well as to discuss certain aspects of ISA/IPEA activities.

Welcoming the WIPO representatives EAPO President Saule Tlevlessova expressed gratitude to WIPO for the provided consultations and indicated commitment of the Office to expand its competences under the PCT.

The main steps of ISA/IPEA appointment procedure were discussed during the consultations. The EAPO experts got acquainted with the approaches and practices of the acting international bodies on the quality management, as well as the information provided by WIPO on the revising of the PCT Minimum Documentation.

The key indicators of activity and development of EAPO, demonstrating compliance with the established requirements were presented to the WIPO delegation.

Acting as an ISA/IPEA will allow EAPO to offer applicants from EAPC Contracting States a comprehensive approach to PCT applications, will contribute to the promotion of the PCT system in the region, as well as provide an additional boost to ensure the protection of inventions of applicants from the Eurasian region in foreign countries.