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The Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) informs that on March 1, 2021, a new information resource has been opened for public access on the EAPO web portal – the EAPO Pharmaceutical Register, containing information on Eurasian patents related to active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) with international non-proprietary names (INN).

The EAPO Pharmaceutical Register will provide up-to-date information on the legal status of such Eurasian patents, including information on the validity of Eurasian patents on the territory of the Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC) Contracting States, on the Eurasian patent term extensions carried out by the EAPO in accordance with Rule 16 (5) of the Patent Regulations under the EAPC, on registered licensing agreements. The Register also features direct links to information on these Eurasian patents in the Eurasian Patent Register and in the Eurasian Publication Server. The EAPO Pharmaceutical Register will also include information on the registration of medicinal products in the EAPC Contracting States, if available.

Link to the Register (available in Russian).

Starting from March 1, 2021, the owners of Eurasian patents and their representatives can submit to the EAPO a request for inclusion the corresponding Eurasian patents in the EAPO Pharmaceutical Register.

Requests should relate to Eurasian patents, the subject matter of protection of which are pharmacologically active products (chemical compounds, including those described by the general structural formula, biotechnological products, compositions, combinations), methods of producing and medical uses of these products. The request should be submitted on hard copy or through the EAPO-ONLINE system (for registered users).

The information provided by the patent holders about the INN and related Eurasian patents shall be included in the EAPO Pharmaceutical Register after the EAPO verification.