Homepage / Press-center / News / EAPO experts explained how to patent GUI design and artificial intelligence tools

Protecting the design of graphical interfaces for websites and apps for smartphones is one of the hottest topics of today. Most developers leave the legal protection of the results of intellectual activity on the periphery of their attention.

This leads to full or partial copying of graphic interface solutions, despite the possibility of protecting these solutions using the Eurasian intellectual property system. In particular, by registering an industrial design and obtaining a Eurasian patent for an industrial design, valid on the territory of the seven states of Eurasia.

In addition, Valentin Panko, Principal examiner of the EAPO Mechanics, Physics and Electrical Engineering Division, and Dinara Serzhanova, an examiner of the EAPO Industrial Designs Division, spoke in detail about the specifics of the legal protection, within the Eurasian patent system, of inventions and industrial designs resulting from the creation of digital products and services.

The experts of the Office presented current approaches to the examination and practice of patenting technical solutions implemented using computers or smartphones, and also explained the approaches of the examiners of the Office to the patenting solutions with elements of artificial intelligence.

The session “Management of IP rights in the digital economy” was held yesterday at the G.V. Plekhanov University on the basis of the Digital Economy Competence Center.