Homepage / Press-center / News / EAPO Expanded its Participation in the WIPO DAS Service in Regard to Industrial Designs

The EAPO enables applicants to use the Digital Access Service for Priority Documents of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO DAS) in relation to industrial design applications from December 1, 2021.

As of that date, applicants, when claiming priority in an industrial design application in accordance with Rule 80 (1) of the Patent Regulations under the Eurasian Patent Convention on an earlier application previously placed in the WIPO DAS digital library may submit to EAPO the access code for this application within WIPO DAS instead of a submitted copy of the earlier application.

An applicant may deposit an earlier industrial design application into the WIPO DAS digital library through the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization or another industrial property office that accepts the industrial design applications for depositing in the WIPO DAS digital library.

The EAPO also acts as a depositing office in the WIPO DAS service by placing in this digital library Eurasian industrial design applications on the basis of requests from the applicants.

More information on WIPO DAS is available on the WIPO website.

Detailed information on WIPO DAS is given in the User Guide.