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The EAPO delegation took part in the 141st International Trademark Association Annual Meeting (INTA Annual Meeting), which took place from May 18 to 23, 2019 in Boston, United States of America.

INTA Annual Meeting is the largest and most influential gathering of brand owners and intellectual property (IP) professionals from around the world and from across industries. In 2019, the number of attendance was more than 11 thousand; representatives of legal and business communities, patent attorneys and IP experts.

Despite the INTA professional activities, the interest of INTA Annual Meeting participants went beyond discussing trademarks only. The topics of discussions and negotiations dealt with the legal protection of designs, inventions and other IP subject matters as well.

More than 120 exhibition stands provided information on the activities of leading law firms, IP offices and other organizations working in the field of intellectual property.

In line with the WIPO, OAPI, ARIPO, the patent offices of Korea and Japan, the EAPO stand was presented for the first time.

The EAPO exposition allowed the participants to find more about the Eurasian patent system and the activity of the Eurasian Patent Organization. EAPO representatives gave comments and clarifications on filing Eurasian applications and obtaining Eurasian patents.

Delegations of EAPO and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)