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On March 15, 2019, the EAPO delegation visited KIPO, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, within the framework of cooperation between the Offices.

The visit was aimed at studying KIPO practice in processing and publication of patent information, implementation of WIPO standards for information and documentation in the field of industrial property.

The EAPO delegation was acquainted with KIPO system of electronic filing of applications and additional materials and the technology of their subsequent processing and publication. Peculiarities of work with applications and materials filed in various formats or containing color drawings, nucleotide sequences, computer program texts, 3D CAD objects were considered at the meeting among the other topics.

Special attention was paid to KIPO experience on the “instant” publication of patent information and documentation. KIPO uses this technology without being tied to fixed dates of Gazette release, publishing patent documents and granting patents every working day, thus shortening the patent procedure term.

During the discussion KIPO colleagues clarified the approaches to conducting patent searches using machine translation systems, tools and technologies of artificial intelligence, and shared their plans for the development of KIPO information technologies for the near future.

Cooperation in the field of information technology is a priority for interaction between EAPO and KIPO and is carried out within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Cooperation, signed on September 25, 2018 in Geneva.