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On October 9, 2017 the EAPO delegation and representatives of some of Eurasian patent attorney law firms visited Beijing Sanyou Intellectual property Agency Ltd. (Sanyou), Beijing, P.R.China.

Being the first privately owned company, Sanyou was established in 1986, when the Chinese patent system was at the dawn of its development. Today it is one of the biggest firms in the field of intellectual property protection in China.

EAPO and Sanyou mutually shared respective promotion films on the activities of their offices, EAPO specialists and the Eurasian patent attorneys made presentations on the Eurasian patent system and their activities. The “Gorodissky and Partners” law firm representative made a presentation on the benefits of electronic communication with EAPO, other Eurasian patent attorneys introduced the activities of their companies and their experience of collaboration with EAPO.

The Chinese and Eurasian attorneys discussed possible ways of cooperation at the margins of the meeting.