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On October 8-10, 2021 in Seoul, Republic of Korea, the 6th Korea International Youth Olympiad KIYO 4I was held.

The Olympiad was organized by the World Women Inventors and Entrepreneurs Association (WWIEA) in partnership with the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations, a number of ministries and educational organizations of the Republic of Korea. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was organized in a hybrid format, with in person part held at the Sejong University, Seoul.

EAPO President Saule Tlevlessova greeted the participants of the Olympiad, stressing the great work of the organizers of this event, wished all participants success not only in the competition program of the Olympiad, but also in the further development of their creative skills and teamwork experience.

Based on the Olympiad results, the EAPO awards were presented to the “Hand Clap” team in the nomination “Team Competition”, as well as the author of “the Dual Airwasher Robotic Vacuum” in the nomination “the Best of the Best Invention”.