Homepage / Press-center / News / EAPO and RSAIP hold a joint round table

The Eurasian Patent Office in cooperation with the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP) will organize a round table “Practical aspects and features of granting Eurasian patent for invention and Eurasian industrial design patent.”

The round table will focus on the procedural features of granting a Eurasian patent for an invention, including based on international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), and a Eurasian industrial design patent.

The attendees will also be briefed on the main functionalities of the Eurasian Patent Information System (EAPATIS).

The round table will be held on December 8, 2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. (Moscow time) via videoconference in Russian.

Representatives of the national patent offices of the member states of the Eurasian Patent Organization, Eurasian patent attorneys and all other interested parties are invited to participate.

Link for registration: https://rsaip.timepad.ru/event/2238341.

The connection link will be sent to all registered participants one day before the round table. Recording and materials will be sent after the event within three days.

Seminar program (in Russian).