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The EAPO in partnership with the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RSAIP) held via videoconference a round table “Practical and specific aspects of patenting inventions and industrial designs according to the Eurasian procedure”.

The event was attended by more than 160 representatives of the member states of the Eurasian Patent Convention – employees of national IP offices, Eurasian and national patent attorneys, representatives of higher education institutions, and other interested parties.

As part of the round table, the EAPO representatives made presentations on procedural details of obtaining a Eurasian patent for invention. The presentations also covered patenting on the basis of an international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

The participants of the round table were also presented with an overview of the functionality of the Eurasian Patent Information System (EAPATIS). A separate session of the round table was focused on the peculiarities of the Eurasian procedure for patenting industrial designs.

The event has also included questions and answers session, allowed the participants to share their experience in using the Eurasian patent procedure, and submit proposals for its further development.