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The Eurasian Patent Office and the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), Geneva, Switzerland, signed a Collaboration Agreement on access to patent information concerning the legal status of the Eurasian patent applications and granted Eurasian patents. The Agreement was signed by EAPO President Saule Tlevlessova and MPP Executive Director Charles Gore.

The MPP is a UN-supported public health organization that promotes the access of low- and middle-income countries to essential medicines and medical technologies through voluntary licensing and the creation of patent pools. An important focus of this work is the dissemination of information on patented treatments and their licensing through the free Medicines Patents & Licences (MedsPaL) database.

The Collaboration Agreement aims to include Eurasian patents in the MedsPaL database by providing the MPP with information regarding the legal status of published Eurasian applications and granted Eurasian patents for pharmaceutical inventions, which will enable those interested in developing or supplying medicines to the market, to carry out their activities without violating the rights of owners of Eurasian patents.

EAPO, as an office receiving a large number of pharmaceutical applications from more than 100 states, expressed its willingness to promote the MPP activities in order to increase access to information relating to the intellectual property rights in medicines of high social significance.