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June 19, 2020, Armen Azizyan, Vice-President of the Eurasian Patent Office, took part in the tenth meeting of the Advisory Committee for Intellectual Property under the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Board, held via videoconference.

The main mission of the Advisory Committee for Intellectual Property under the EEC Board (Advisory Committee) is preparation of proposals and recommendations for the EEC in the sphere of intellectual property rights protection and enforcement on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The Advisory Committee consists of Heads and Deputy Heads of Ministries and Departments, representatives of the IP business community and public associations of the EAEU Member States.

Members of the Advisory Committee, with the participation of representatives of the EEC Business Development Department, discussed the current status and certain areas of intellectual property development in the EAEU Member States.

EAPO Vice-President participated in the discussion of the initiative of the Russian Federation on the creation of the Unified Register of Pharmacologically Active Substances protected by patents. Mr. Azizyan also noted that taking into account the long-term experience of the EAPO in maintaining a regional register of Eurasian patents for inventions on the territory of eight Contracting States of the Eurasian Patent Convention, the creation of the Unified Register will require joint work to manage a large number of organizational and technical issues.