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This thesis is stated in the summary document of the regional seminar “Building the Eurasian Patent Information Space: Experience and Prospects”, prepared by the participants of the event.

The key goal of the seminar, as noted in the document, was the discussion of the current trends in digitalization and automation of the Eurasian Patent Office and the national patent offices of the member states of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) in order to develop possible solutions for cooperation in this regard.

Representatives of national offices stressed the need to build a single Eurasian patent information space within the cooperation between national patent offices as well as regular exchange of patent documents by the offices of the Eurasian region.

The parties agreed to work out the exchange of experience and technologies in 3D models usage, according to the requirements of national legislation. The development of patent analytics tools in the region that contribute to the formation of IP ecosystem is of key importance. According to the document, the long-term goal of mutual cooperation can be considered as the implementation of a full-fledged conjugation of information systems of national IP offices.

The exchange of statistical information and examiners interaction were highlighted among other important areas of cooperation. The document is available for download here .

The regional seminar “Building the Eurasian Patent Information Space: Experience and Prospects” was held on August 23-24 in the city of Osh (Kyrgyz Republic). The event was organized by the Eurasian Patent Office and the State Agency for Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent).

The seminar was attended by representatives of the Eurasian Patent Office and all national IP offices of the EAPO member states.