Homepage / Press-center / News / Congratulatory message by the Director General of ARIPO on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of EAPO

G.H Sibanda, Director GeneralOn behalf of the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) and indeed its sixteen Member States, I wish, to convey warmest greetings and congratulations to the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) on the occasion of its Tenth Anniversary, which is organized concurrently with the International Conference on the “Worldwide Patent System”. This is indeed a memorable occasion for the Member States of Eurasian Patent Office and those associated with it. Ten years now,
the founding fathers of this Organization established this regional institution and entrusted it with the noble responsibility of establishing an Interstate System for the protection of industrial property as well as the establishment of the national patent system in the Common Wealth of Independent States (CIS). The establishment of the Eurasian Patent System was in response to a vacuum that was created by the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which culminated into the abolishment of a number of Industrial Property related institutions and the entire centralized IP management system including the Gospatent. This inevitably created a situation of uncertainty in the protection of Industrial Property in the region and a resolve, to this unpalatable situation was to be founded in the adoption of the Eurasian Patent Convention.

Today’s event, therefore gives us an opportunity to celebrate the realization of the noble objections of the Eurasian Patent Convention. We note with satisfaction that fully-fledged Industrial Property offices have been established in all Member States with most of them taking their rightful role as members in international conventions and treaties on IP. The Interstate System for the protection of Industrial Property as instituted, has also matured as evidenced by the increased number of applications filed through the Eurasian Patent Office. The levels of collaborative activities among member states have also increased correspondingly. These factors will no doubt go a long way in ensuring an infective Industrial Property Protection System, which should lead to a sustained economic growth among its Member States. It is indeed also a prerequisite for cementing, economic, scientific, technological and ecological relations that have been in existence among these States for decades.

The African Regional Intellectual Organization (ARIPO) is indeed pleased to be associated with this event. The bond between ARIPO and EAPO is founded on their common objectives, which guarantee, through a single filing, the protection of Industrial Property Rights and provision of Industrial Property related services on a multiple-country basis. It is also manifested through a Memorandum of Understanding concluded between ARIPO and EAPO in the year 2000.

To mark this memorable occasion, I have the pleasure on behalf of the Organization to present to the Eurasian Patent Office a Silver Tray with an inscription of an ARIPO Emblem.