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Dear colleagues:

On 26 April, 2004, World Intellectual Property Day will be celebrated throughout the world with the motto “Encouraging Creativity.”

It is namely creativity, an ineffable trait of the human mind, which lies at the origins of the activities of the inventor. Embodying itself in various products and the means for their production, its results have become an inexhaustible source of serving the various needs of mankind and the stimulus for the development of their production, powerful tools for learning and transforming the world that surrounds us.

A key link in uniting the processes of creation, putting inventions into everyday use, and other creative solutions that in essence make these solutions intellectual property, is their legal protection.

The Eurasian Patent Organisation and its Patent Office, in close cooperation with regional and national patent offices and the World Intellectual Property Organisation, are striving to their utmost to ensure that inventions patented under the Eurasian Patent Procedure receive reliable and profitable legal protection, working to make information on them more accessible throughout the world and facilitating the creation of new, advanced developments to better protect inventions.

We wish you our heartfelt congratulations on this holiday and success to all of you who create, protect, and make the results of inventive activities a reality, adding to the intellectual riches of mankind with your creative labour and filling the pages of our present and future with golden lines of innovation.

Alexander Grigoriev
President of the EAPO